Thursday, May 04, 2006


Development kit upgrades vision standards

Software provides iPort IP Engine users with immediate solution for GigE Vision and GenICam standards compliance, while maintaining full backwards compatibility with deployed iPort products.

Pleora Technologies, the vision industry's leading supplier of GigE (Gigabit Ethernet) connectivity products, today unveiled a new version of its iPort software that provides iPort IP Engine users with an elegant, low-risk, and immediate solution for GigE Vision and GenICam standards compliance, while maintaining full backwards compatibility with deployed iPort products. Working in concert with Pleora's eBust NIC (network interface card/chip) drivers, Release 2.3.0 of the iPort SDK (software development kit) allows users to operate GigE Vision-compliant cameras in the same system - and even in same application - as GigE (Gigabit Ethernet) cameras based on the proven iPort connectivity protocol. Moreover, with as little as a straightforward recompile, Release 2.3.0 allows applications built from previous versions of the SDK to be reused with any camera or system that incorporates a GigE Vision-compliant iPort IP Engine.

'Release 2.3.0 rounds out Pleora's end-to-end iPort solution for GigE Vision, complementing our compliant IP engines, AutoGEV tool, and eBus drivers', said George Chamberlain, President of Pleora Technologies.

'With this software in place, we are now accelerating roll out of the highest-performance, most flexible, and richly featured GigE Vision-compliant products in the industry'.

'Release 2.3.0 allows our customers to migrate at any time to GigE Vision with minimal disruption to their existing practices and applications'.

'They simply upgrade the firmware in their IP engine - which can be done in the field over the GigE link - and select the SDK option for GigE Vision protocol connectivity'.

'Everything else that needs to happen is completely transparent to them', said Alain Rivard, Vice-President of R and D at Pleora.

To comply with GigE Vision, camera vendors must provide users with an XML (extensible mark-up language) file that presents seven mandatory camera features in the syntax defined by the GenICam standard.

The XML file allows features of all GigE Vision-compliant cameras to be controlled from the GenICam programming interface.

The use of GenICam is not, however, mandated by the GigE Vision standard.

(For more information about the two standards, see the attached Backgrounder).

Many vision applications require access to features and capabilities not available through GenICam.

To ensure the needs of all applications are met, iPort SDK Release 2.3.0 allows users to choose between two GigE Vision-compliant camera control methods, one based on GenICam, the other leveraging the rich iPort SDK feature set.

In addition, Release 2.3.0 - like all previous versions of the software - delivers full support for connectivity and camera control using Pleora's proven high-performance iPort protocol.

With iPort SDK Release 2.3.0, Pleora is also introducing two key enhancements to improve the user experience.

First, the GUI (graphic user interface) for Coyote, a sample application for camera configuration, image acquisition, triggering, and many other functions, is now more intuitive to access and use.

Second, the iPort documentation package has been restructured to make it faster and easier for users to get up to speed.

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