Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Sockets bring temperature sensors onboard

Labfacility offers a range of polarised, high quality printed circuit board (PCB) mounting miniature sockets for interfacing with thermocouple and RTD sensors.
Labfacility offers a range of polarised, high quality printed circuit board (PCB) mounting miniature sockets for interfacing with thermocouple and RTD sensors. The mechanical configuration presents solid solder pins through the board for flow soldering compatibility. Although copper pins are usually specified, thermocouple versions K and T are also available with IEC584 colour coded bodies.

Convenient provision is made for a cold junction compensating temperature sensor for use in thermocouple measuring instruments.

The housings are moulded in glass filled polyester to withstand a continuous temperature of 220C.

Manufactured by Labfacility in Europe's largest connector plant under strict ISO9001 disciplines, the miniature sockets are available in quantity from stock.

They are all fully DIN specification compliant for compatibility with other makes of equivalent connectors.

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