Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Transformers are smaller, lighter and cooler

Transformers are up to 30% more compact and require up to 20% less mounting space than earlier products with similar outputs.]
Soon to be available in Europe from TDK Corporation, SRW2420EG, SRW2425EG and SRW33EX transformers are up to 30% more compact and require up to 20% less mounting space than earlier products with similar outputs. TDK has optimised the core materials and core configurations used in standard power supply transformer components to enable engineers to develop smaller and lighter products such as AC adapters and audio-visual devices. The transformers can be used in a variety of devices that require low-profile shapes, compactness and low-heat generation such as battery chargers, DC/DC convertors, inverter household appliances, LCD televisions, and plasma display panel televisions.

In order to make the transformers smaller and lighter, TDK selected core materials optimised for specific applications and adopted innovative core configurations.

This series of transformers uses the new ferrite material, PC47, which allows the product to be smaller.

Furthermore, by conducting extensive magnetic circuit simulations, TDK adopted revolutionary elliptical cores in multiple output transformers (such as those used in DVD players), reducing both the core and transformer body volume and weight.

This resulted in a reduction of 22.5% in the mounting area and 27% in volume.

In addition, by investigating optimal bobbin terminal core opening shapes and reducing the core thickness, TDK minimised the weight of cores used in single output transformers.

TDK has applied for six different patents and design registrations with respect to the new core and bobbin configurations.

The SRW2420EG, SRW2425EG, and SRW33EX are RoHS compliant.

The SRW2420EG and SRW2425EG can be used as multiple output transformers, and the SRW33EX as a low-profile multiple output transformer.

Power outputs vary between 25 and 65W, with flyback operating frequencies between 25 and 40kHz.

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