Friday, October 13, 2006


Read all about transformers

REO UK has released a new detailed guide, which provides information about various types of transformers and their applications.

REO UK has released a new detailed guide, which provides information about various types of transformers and their applications. The transformer guide also details the theory, functions and actions of transformers and gives an overview of their history and the future. Illustrated with helpful diagrams and images throughout, this new transformer guide should prove a regular toolbox resident for all electrical engineers.

It covers all aspects of transformers including regulation, magnetic core construction, saturation, impedance matching, heat dissipation and protection.

The in-depth booklet also covers power and rating as well as losses and efficiency.

The transformer guide is one in a series of technical guides from REO UK, which are aimed to help engineers put power quality and power management equipment to better use.

"We have noted our customer's questions about transformers over a period of time.

This guide is designed to answer all these queries in such a form that everyone can follow", commented John Symonds, Director of REO UK.

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