Sunday, December 17, 2006


Tester verifies patient diagnostic equipment

Medical electronics test specialist Rigel Medical has incorporated the specifications of a number of major pulse oximeter manufacturers in its new high performance Rigel 322 pulse oximetry analyser.

Medical electronics test specialist Rigel Medical has incorporated the specifications of a number of major pulse oximeter manufacturers in its new high performance Rigel 322 pulse oximetry analyser. The Rigel 322 electrical SpO2 simulator incorporates the new technology used by manufacturers such as Nellcor (Oximax) and Masimo to ensure that in-service testing and verification of patient diagnostic equipment is carried out to original manufacturers' specifications. The Rigel 322 incorporates patented direct electrical simulation that provides fast, accurate and efficient testing of SpO2 devices and eliminates the inconsistencies that are often associated with testing using an optical finger.

Market leaders in oximeters use and specify instruments using electronic simulation for quality assurance purposes as a direct result of the high accuracy and repeatability of direct electrical simulation.

As well as electrical simulation, the Rigel 322 also has advanced simulation features that include arrhythmias, motion artefact and ambient light.

The tester also incorporates in-built probe analyser for all main probe brands and can identify light sensitivity and continuity in probes, including intermittent faults thanks to its large graphic display.

With a small desktop footprint and built-in battery cell, the Rigel 322 is one of the most portable and comprehensive SpO2 analyser on the market and forms part of a comprehensive range of electromedical testers available from Rigel Medical.

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