Thursday, January 04, 2007


Software enhances optical spectrum analysis

Windows-based software tool adds powerful viewing, control and analysis functions to enhance optical spectrum analyser's productivity.

A Windows-based software tool has been introduced for use with the Yokogawa AQ6370 high-resolution optical spectrum analyser, adding powerful viewing, control and analysis functions to enhance the instrument's productivity. In addition to providing a PC display of stored waveform data, the new AQ6370 Viewer software enables the user to remotely control the spectrum analyser from a PC via an Ethernet or other network connection and to analyse measurement data on the PC. In addition, it allows file transfer of measurement data from the hard disc of the spectrum analyser to the PC.

In R and D applications, the software will allow users to analyse one set of measurements while the analyser is being used to make new measurements.

In manufacturing, the remote control capabilities allow the user to create, edit and run macros on the spectrum analyser and transfer new measurement results directly to the PC.

All analysis functions provided by the AQ6370 are supported by the AQ6370 viewer software, including automatic analysis of parameters such as spectral width, optical signal/noise ratio, EDFA evaluation and optical power analysis.

A setting mode is included for WDM filter analysis, and pass/fail templates can be implemented for manufacturing test applications.

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